namespace ov_core Core algorithms for OpenVINS.
- class BsplineSE3 B-Spline which performs interpolation over SE(3) manifold.
- class CamBase Base pinhole camera model class.
- class CamEqui Fisheye / equadistant model pinhole camera model class.
- struct CameraData Struct for a collection of camera measurements.
- class CamRadtan Radial-tangential / Brown–Conrady model pinhole camera model class.
- class CpiBase Base class for continuous preintegration integrators.
- class CpiV1 Model 1 of continuous preintegration.
- class CpiV2 Model 2 of continuous preintegration.
- class DatasetReader Helper functions to read in dataset files.
- class Feature Sparse feature class used to collect measurements.
- class FeatureDatabase Database containing features we are currently tracking.
- class FeatureHelper Contains some nice helper functions for features.
class FeatureInitializer Class that triangulates feature.
- struct ClonePose Structure which stores pose estimates for use in triangulation.
- struct FeatureInitializerOptions Struct which stores all our feature initializer options.
- class Grider_FAST Extracts FAST features in a grid pattern.
- class Grider_GRID Extracts FAST features in a grid pattern.
- struct ImuData Struct for a single imu measurement (time, wm, am)
- class Printer Printer for open_vins that allows for various levels of printing to be done.
- class TrackAruco Tracking of OpenCV Aruoc tags.
- class TrackBase Visual feature tracking base class.
- class TrackDescriptor Descriptor-based visual tracking.
- class TrackKLT KLT tracking of features.
- class TrackSIM Simulated tracker for when we already have uv measurements!
- class YamlParser Helper class to do OpenCV yaml parsing from both file and ROS.
namespace ov_eval Evaluation and recording utilities.
- class AlignTrajectory Class that given two trajectories, will align the two.
- class AlignUtils Helper functions for the trajectory alignment class.
- class Loader Has helper functions to load text files from disk and process them.
- class Recorder This class takes in published poses and writes them to file.
- class ResultSimulation A single simulation run (the full state not just pose).
- class ResultTrajectory A single run for a given dataset.
- struct Statistics Statistics object for a given set scalar time series values.
namespace ov_init State initialization code.
- class DynamicInitializer Initializer for a dynamic visual-inertial system.
- class Factor_GenericPrior Factor for generic state priors for specific types.
- class Factor_ImageReprojCalib Factor of feature bearing observation (raw) with calibration.
- class Factor_ImuCPIv1 Factor for IMU continuous preintegration version 1.
- class InertialInitializer Initializer for visual-inertial system.
- struct InertialInitializerOptions Struct which stores all options needed for state estimation.
- class InitializerHelper Has a bunch of helper functions for dynamic initialization (should all be static)
- class SimulatorInit Master simulator class that generated visual-inertial measurements.
- class State_JPLQuatLocal JPL quaternion CERES state parameterization.
- class StaticInitializer Initializer for a static visual-inertial system.
namespace ov_msckf Extended Kalman Filter estimator.
- struct NoiseManager Struct of our imu noise parameters.
- class Propagator Performs the state covariance and mean propagation using imu measurements.
- class ROS1Visualizer Helper class that will publish results onto the ROS framework.
- class ROS2Visualizer Helper class that will publish results onto the ROS framework.
- class ROSVisualizerHelper Helper class that handles some common versions into and out of ROS formats.
- class Simulator Master simulator class that generated visual-inertial measurements.
- class State State of our filter.
- class StateHelper Helper which manipulates the State and its covariance.
- struct StateOptions Struct which stores all our filter options.
class UpdaterHelper Class that has helper functions for our updaters.
- struct UpdaterHelperFeature Feature object that our UpdaterHelper leverages, has all measurements and means.
- class UpdaterMSCKF Will compute the system for our sparse features and update the filter.
- struct UpdaterOptions Struct which stores general updater options.
- class UpdaterSLAM Will compute the system for our sparse SLAM features and update the filter.
- class UpdaterZeroVelocity Will try to detect and then update using zero velocity assumption.
- class VioManager Core class that manages the entire system.
- struct VioManagerOptions Struct which stores all options needed for state estimation.
namespace ov_type Dynamic type system types.
- class IMU Derived Type class that implements an IMU state.
- class JPLQuat Derived Type class that implements JPL quaternion.
- class Landmark Type that implements a persistent SLAM feature.
- class LandmarkRepresentation Class has useful feature representation types.
- class PoseJPL Derived Type class that implements a 6 d.o.f pose.
- class Type Base class for estimated variables.
- class Vec Derived Type class that implements vector variables.