ov_init::Factor_ImageReprojCalib class

Factor of feature bearing observation (raw) with calibration.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Factor_ImageReprojCalib(const Eigen::Vector2d& uv_meas_, double pix_sigma_, bool is_fisheye_)
Default constructor.

Public functions

auto Evaluate(double const*const* parameters, double* residuals, double** jacobians) const -> bool override
Error residual and Jacobian calculation.

Function documentation

ov_init::Factor_ImageReprojCalib::Factor_ImageReprojCalib(const Eigen::Vector2d& uv_meas_, double pix_sigma_, bool is_fisheye_)

Default constructor.

uv_meas_ Raw pixel uv measurement of a environmental feature
pix_sigma_ Raw pixel measurement uncertainty (typically 1)
is_fisheye_ If this raw pixel camera uses fisheye distortion

bool ov_init::Factor_ImageReprojCalib::Evaluate(double const*const* parameters, double* residuals, double** jacobians) const override

Error residual and Jacobian calculation.

This computes the Jacobians and residual of the feature projection model. This is a function of the observing pose, feature in global, and calibration parameters. The normalized pixel coordinates are found and then distorted using the camera distortion model. See the Camera Measurement Update page for more details.