ov_type::PoseJPL class

Derived Type class that implements a 6 d.o.f pose.

Internally we use a JPLQuat quaternion representation for the orientation and 3D Vec position. Please see JPLQuat for details on its update procedure and its left multiplicative error.

Base classes

class Type
Base class for estimated variables.

Public functions

void set_local_id(int new_id) override
Sets id used to track location of variable in the filter covariance.
void update(const Eigen::VectorXd& dx) override
Update q and p using a the JPLQuat update for orientation and vector update for position.
void set_value(const Eigen::MatrixXd& new_value) override
Sets the value of the estimate.
void set_fej(const Eigen::MatrixXd& new_value) override
Sets the value of the first estimate.
auto clone() -> std::shared_ptr<Type> override
Create a clone of this variable.
auto check_if_subvariable(const std::shared_ptr<Type> check) -> std::shared_ptr<Type> override
Determine if pass variable is a sub-variable.
auto Rot() const -> Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>
Rotation access.
auto Rot_fej() const -> Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>
FEJ Rotation access.
auto quat() const -> Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 1>
Rotation access as quaternion.
auto quat_fej() const -> Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 1>
FEJ Rotation access as quaternion.
auto pos() const -> Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1>
Position access.

Protected functions

void set_value_internal(const Eigen::MatrixXd& new_value)
Sets the value of the estimate.
void set_fej_internal(const Eigen::MatrixXd& new_value)
Sets the value of the first estimate.

Protected variables

std::shared_ptr<JPLQuat> _q
Subvariable containing orientation.
std::shared_ptr<Vec> _p
Subvariable containing position.

Function documentation

void ov_type::PoseJPL::set_local_id(int new_id) override

Sets id used to track location of variable in the filter covariance.

new_id entry in filter covariance corresponding to this variable

Note that we update the sub-variables also.

void ov_type::PoseJPL::update(const Eigen::VectorXd& dx) override

Update q and p using a the JPLQuat update for orientation and vector update for position.

dx Correction vector (orientation then position)

void ov_type::PoseJPL::set_value(const Eigen::MatrixXd& new_value) override

Sets the value of the estimate.

new_value New value we should set

void ov_type::PoseJPL::set_fej(const Eigen::MatrixXd& new_value) override

Sets the value of the first estimate.

new_value New value we should set

std::shared_ptr<Type> ov_type::PoseJPL::check_if_subvariable(const std::shared_ptr<Type> check) override

Determine if pass variable is a sub-variable.

check Type pointer to compare our subvariables to

If the passed variable is a sub-variable or the current variable this will return it. Otherwise it will return a nullptr, meaning that it was unable to be found.

void ov_type::PoseJPL::set_value_internal(const Eigen::MatrixXd& new_value) protected

Sets the value of the estimate.

new_value New value we should set

void ov_type::PoseJPL::set_fej_internal(const Eigen::MatrixXd& new_value) protected

Sets the value of the first estimate.

new_value New value we should set